- Place out bears and small pieces of masking tape (band aids) or band aids to fix bears
- Make a first aid station
- Make band aids with felt and velcro, place out in dramatic play area
- Create a veterinarian station
- Write
a story or draw pictures of how each child has been hurt and needed a band aid
- Read “Dr. Dan the bandage man”
- Read “Scratches and Scrapes”
- Read the poem Bernina band aid and make a band aid flannel story
Bernina had a Band-Aid
on her elbow and her chin,
her ankles, knees and forehead,
plus her shoulder and her shin.
Another two were on her ears
and ten were on her toes.
She'd one on every finger
and a big one on her nose.
Her Band-Aids were the coolest
that her friends had ever seen.
A few of them had leopard spots
and some were neon green.
A bunch were lit with lightning bolts,
or stars and crescent moons,
while some had superheroes
from the Saturday cartoons.
Bernina's now in trouble
for there's just one little catch;
she used up all the Band-Aids
but she didn't have a scratch.
on her elbow and her chin,
her ankles, knees and forehead,
plus her shoulder and her shin.
Another two were on her ears
and ten were on her toes.
She'd one on every finger
and a big one on her nose.
Her Band-Aids were the coolest
that her friends had ever seen.
A few of them had leopard spots
and some were neon green.
A bunch were lit with lightning bolts,
or stars and crescent moons,
while some had superheroes
from the Saturday cartoons.
Bernina's now in trouble
for there's just one little catch;
she used up all the Band-Aids
but she didn't have a scratch.
- Band aid pictures: place out a variety of band aids and allow the children to create a picture using them
- Make a band aid man, allow the children to use band aids to make people
- Trace the child’s arm and hand on a paper for the children to decorate. Provide a band aid to place on their picture and tell a story of why it is placed there.
- Tensor bandage stamping roll the tenser and place them in paint and stamp with side and end for different textures
- Buy strip band aids and allow the children to paint them
- Make band aid butterflies use a band aid to secure a tissue that has been made into an accordion style (or fan) draw on antennas
- Place gauze into the water table for straining
- Place different band aids into the sand for sifting
- Place eye droppers and magic beads into the water
Gross Motor
- Play band aid tag, when a person is tagged they hold a band aid and wait for the Dr. to come and unfreeze them
- Have a band aid scavenger hunt
- Place out tenser bandages and walk on them like a balance beam
- Play "I have a band aid on my toe" – the provider says a body part the children point where the pretend band aid is. Allow other children to lead the game.
- Take band aids and see what it stick to and doesn’t stick to
- Take a band aid apart use a microscope to view
- Place out the materials a band aid is made of for exploration
- Place out waffle blocks
- Place out band aid boxes to build with
Conceptual/Table top/Fine motor
- Have different types of band aids for sorting
- Place out a band aid file folder game: use band aids as game board square, the children roll the dice and move that number of band aids.
- Band aid lacing: Make a large band aid from construction paper, laminate and punch holes around for lacing
- Place out a Mr. potato head and play dough for making band aids
- Cut different bandages in half for a matching activity
- Color sorting
- Sing the band aid song
- (Sung to the tune of 'Oh Susanna')
Well, I come from San Francisco
with a Band-Aid on my knee
and I'm going to The Preschool
My good friends for to see.
OH Oh Mommy
OH don't you cry for me
'Cuz I come from San Francisco
with a Band-Aid on my knee!
- Flannel board band aids and people for the children to make a story with
Need: large graham crackers,, large marshmallows,
6 tablespoons milk, 2 teaspoons vanilla, 2 cups confectioners’ sugar, orange food coloring.
Directions: Break
graham crackers in fourths. Set aside. With a knife cut marshmallows in half and cut off
rounded edges to be used as gauze. Set aside. Place milk and vanilla in microwave safe
measuring cup and heat in microwave for about 20 seconds or until hot. Remove
measuring cup from microwave and pour in confectioners’ sugar. Mix quickly. Add
food coloring and mix thoroughly until it turns into a "Band-Aid
peach" color. To assemble use rubber spatula and spread a thin
line of the frosting mixture on the graham crackers. Gently press marshmallows
on the center of the graham crackers.. Serve.
Field trip
- Go to the local store and look at different types band aid
- Visit Red Cross or St. John's
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