Three Little Penguins
Three little penguins
Dressed in white and black,
Waddle, waddle forward,
And waddle right back.
Dressed in white and black,
Waddle, waddle forward,
And waddle right back.
Three little penguins in a funny pose.
They are wearing their evening clothes.
Their suits are black and their vests are white.
They waddle to the left,
And they waddle to the right.
They stand on the ice and they look very neat,
As they waddle along on their little flat feet.
They are wearing their evening clothes.
Their suits are black and their vests are white.
They waddle to the left,
And they waddle to the right.
They stand on the ice and they look very neat,
As they waddle along on their little flat feet.
Six Little Penguins
Six little penguins off an iceberg did dive;
One bumped his head, then there were five.
One bumped his head, then there were five.
Five little penguins swam in the ocean;
One saw a whale, then there were four.
One saw a whale, then there were four.
Four little penguins twirled around, Wheeee!
One spun off, then there were three.
One spun off, then there were three.
Three little penguins with nothing to do;
One went fishing, then there were two.
One went fishing, then there were two.
Two little penguins having lots of fun,
One slid away, then there was one.
One slid away, then there was one.
One little penguin, when day was done,
Went home to sleep, then there were none.
Went home to sleep, then there were none.
Polar Bear, Polar Bear
Polar bear, polar bear, turn around.
Polar bear, polar bear, touch the ground.
Polar bear, polar bear, touch your shoe.
Polar bear, polar bear, I love you!
Polar bear, polar bear, touch the ground.
Polar bear, polar bear, touch your shoe.
Polar bear, polar bear, I love you!
Five Little Polar Bears
Five little polar bears playing on the shore,
One fell in the water, and then there were four.
One fell in the water, and then there were four.
Four little polar bears swimming out to sea,
One got lost, and then there were three.
One got lost, and then there were three.
Three little polar bears said, "What shall we do?"
One climbed an iceberg, then there were two.
One climbed an iceberg, then there were two.
Two little polar bears playing in the sun,
One went for food, then there was one.
One went for food, then there was one.
One little polar bear didn't want to stay.
He said, "I'm lonesome!" and swam far away.
He said, "I'm lonesome!" and swam far away.
The seals all slap their shining flips,(Put hands under arms and flap arms.)And bounce a ball on their nosey tips,(Point to nose.)And beat a drum and catch a bar,(Beat a drum.)And wriggle how pleased they are. (Wriggle)
The Funny Fat Walrus
The funny fat walrus sits in the sea,
Where the weather is freezing and cold as can be.(Put hands on arms and shiver.)His whiskers are droopy and his tusks are white,
And he doesn't do much but sit day and night.
Where the weather is freezing and cold as can be.(Put hands on arms and shiver.)His whiskers are droopy and his tusks are white,
And he doesn't do much but sit day and night.
Imaginative Play:
- Provide black vests and white fabric for the children to dress up in. Create paper plate masks of the animals. Cut flippers out of cardboard.
- Add stuffed Arctic animals to the area.
Gross Motor:
- Waddle about as a penguin, swim like a seal, and lumber about as a polar bear.
- Cut iceberg shapes out of white paper and then tape them to the floor. Have the children jump from iceberg to iceberg.
- Go on a walk on a cold winter day and look for icicles or patches of ice.
- Set out various-sized chunks of ice in containers for the children to observe. Take not together of how long it takes for the ice to melt.
- Place small Arctic animals in a clear plastic bottle. Fill the bottle partially with white rice or other suitable material. Glue the lid in place. Use as an "I Spy Bottle".
- Add chunks of ice and Arctic animals.
- Add Arctic animals to the area.
- Provide white blocks, containers and rocks (ice) for the children to create icebergs with.
- Make play dough. (Do not add coloring.) Have the children create icebergs out of their play dough. Provide arctic animals to use in the play dough.
- Cut paper into various iceberg shapes and place on the easel for the children to use.
- Finger paint with white finger paint.
- Create Arctic animal puppets with paper bags or paper plates.
- Finger paint with shaving cream. Add Arctic animals to use in the shaving cream.
- Create a collage with different white materials, i.e. cotton balls, styrofoam packing pieces, and felt.
Table Top/Conceptual:
- Collect pictures of Arctic animals and cut the pictures into several pieces to create puzzles.
- Cut basic animal shapes out of place mats or cardboard. Hole punch around the edge and provide laces to lace the shape with.
- Cut small iceberg shapes out of white paper. Create a small number of dots on each iceberg. Show the children how to put the correct number of Arctic animals on each iceberg to match the number of dots.
Such fun activities to do with children!