- Set up some boxes with costumes and materials allow the children to explore the boxes
- Set out small boxes to make cars
- Use a large long box to make an airplane
- Read “Not a box” by Antoinette Portis
- Make a box story use a box and add materials to compliment a story encourage the children help make one
- Place out ring boxes with paint allow the children to paint with them
- Make paper origami boxes using news paper
- Paint boxes for gifts for Christmas presents the children make
- Place different size boxes with different size holes in them, place them in the sand for sifting
- Use plastic boxes for the water table add different material to place in them
Gross Motor:
- Set up an obstacle course using large and small boxes
- Place tissue boxes on the children’s feet have them walk around
- Go for a walk allowing the children to use boxes as cars
- Place different materials into a box with a small hole for their hand allow the children to explore the object in the box and guess what the objects are
- Have the children measure boxes and compare the height to themselves
- Place different shaped boxes and people for the children to explore
- Use small boxes for holding blocks and building
- Place out the regular blocks
Conceptual/Tabletop/Fine Motor:
- Place boxes and wrapping paper on the table allow the children to wrap the boxes
- Have a bunch of ring boxes with numbers on them and have the children match the number to the number of rings to go in them
- Have boxes for stacking
- Have different sizes boxes for nesting
- Sing “A square is like a box”
- A square is like a box, a square is like a box, it has four sides, they are the same a square is like a box
- Add different shaped boxes to make shakers
- Place a story box into the area
- To make place a story with different related materials inside the box
- Make gram cracker boxes using the crackers and peanut butter or cream cheese fill the boxes with fruit allow the children to enjoy the snack
Field Trip:
- Go to the store have the children find what different materials are in boxes ie cereal toys
- Make a trip to the factory to see how a box is made
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