Wednesday, December 8, 2010


"The flu" is a virus that spreads via tiny droplets that are discharged from an infected person through coughing, sneezing or even speaking or through direct contact with contaminated surfaces or toys.

Symptoms: Fever, cough, body aches, funny or stuffy nose, headache or sore throat. You may also notice that your child is more clingy than usual.

Incubation Period: One to three days.

Contagious Period: Most contagious a day before fever appears, but still contagious until symptoms are gone.

How to Avoid: If possible, steer clear of crowds, and wash hands often.

Treatments: Similar to the common cold, the flue is a viral infection that must run its course. Administer acetaminophen for the fever. Provide lots of fluids and insist that he gets plenty of rest.

When to See a Doctor: If your child is breathing with difficulty, is not eating and drinking at all, has very high fever, or even if your gut tells you that things aren't right, don't hesitate to bring him in to be checked.

Return to Day Home: Once your child's fever is gone and he returns to his normal behaviour.

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