Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Common Cold

The common cold is spread the same way as influenza, colds also include a very similar range of symptoms.

Symptoms: Stuffy/runny nose, headaches, sore throat and, occasionally, a low-grade fever.

Incubation Period: Two to five days.

Contagious Period: Most contagious the first two to three days, but still contagious for about a week.

Treatment: Colds and flu are viral infections that must run their course. Offer lots of fluids, insist on plenty of rest and provide acetaminophen for the fever and aches. Over-the-counter cough and cold medications are not recommended for kids younger than 6 years old.

When to see a doctor: Colds and flue can migrate into other parts of the body and cause a secondary bacterial infection. If your child is breathing with difficulty, is not eating and drinking at all, has very high fever, or even if your gut tells you that things aren't right, don't hesitate to bring him in to be checked.

Return to Day Home: Let your child be your guide, once she reverts to her normal behaviour, she should be fine to go back.

Try this at Home: Squeeze the juice of a lemon into a glass of warm water (sweeten it with a bit of honey if your child is over the age of one) to help break up the mucus.

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