- Set out a jeep and different animals binoculars and go on a safari
- Dress up in different animal costumes
- Make a village with different animals that visit the children
- Read “Anansi the spider”
- Read “chimpansneese”
- Read “why do mosquitos buzz in peoples ears”
- Read “Way far away on a wild safari”
- Sing Elephants have wrinkles
Elephant have wrinkles, wrinkles, wrinkles, everywhere.
Wrinkles on their toes no one knows why.
Elephant have wrinkles wrinkles, wrinkles everywhere (go through body parts)
- Place out shapes of animals and rubbing plates to make designs
- Place out stamps of wild animals
- Place out butcher paper on the bottom of the wall allow the children to paint or color the savannah
- Make paper tube binoculars
- Use paper bags cut like a vest allow them to color and decorate their vests
- Place out zebra shapes and do marble painting
- Make macaroni lions
- Make animal masks
- Place out safari animals and jeeps in the sand table
- Have an elephant washing station
- Place out large bugs that are found in the savannah
- Plant grass in the sand/sift grass
- Have a crocodile pond
Gross Motor
- Use a projector to enlarge elephants, giraffes, hippopotamus, crocodiles, tigers and more place them around the house/yard and go on a safari hunt
- Go on a lion hunt
- Banana bean bag toss
- Walk around like different animals
- Plant some grass in egg shells
- Place out different pictures of paw and hoof prints to match
- Place out different habitats
- Place out green blocks and animals
- Place cars, jeeps and safari animals and people
- Get little hay bales for the children to stack
Conceptual/Table top/Fine motor
- Animal memory game
- Place out play dough for making animals
- Lacing animals
- Make African necklaces
- Have a file folder game of animals crossing the alligator swamp
- Animal print match up
- Safari bingo
- Place out animals and have the children add the stripes to zebra, or spots on giraffes
- Matching animals
- Matching animals to the prints of the animals
- Sing “Going on a lion hunt”
- Sing “One elephant went out to play” tape a spider web to the floor and dance around
- Place out flannel stories with African animals
- Place out large pillows and blankets for nests
- Have animal crackers and yogurt as a snack
- Make Safari bars:Stir together 1/3 Cup flour, 1 Cup quick oats, 1/3 cup sugar, 2 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp cinnamon, ½ tsp. baking soda, dash of salt, and ½ cup raisins in large bowl. Add a mixture of 1 cup mashed banana, ¼ cup milk, 2 egg whites, and 1 tsp. vanilla. Beat until smooth. Pour batter into a 9X13 cake pan and bake35-40 minutes. When cool cut into bars or use cookie cutters to make animal shapes
Field trip
- Go to the zoo for a visit
- Go to a field of tall grass to walk through
Extensions from the activities
- Talk about large animal vets
- Zoo keepers
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