- Set up a picnic with the ant, set out blanket with food and dishes and place out plastic ants or paper ants
- Make an ant hill home from a cardboard box, have some antenna head bands
- Do the finger play “Little Ant”
o One little ant, two little ants, (point to a finger for each number) three little ants I see. Four little ants, five little ants, lively as can be. Six little ants’ seven little ants, eight in a bowl of glass. Nine little ants ten little ants Entertain our class
- Read “ The ant and the grasshopper”
- Read “ One hundred hungry ants”
- Read “Hey little ant”
- Place out several washable black and red ink and white paper, encourage the children to place their fingers in the ink and make ants on the paper
- Make egg carton ants and paint the desired color
- Draw an ant hill on brown construction paper tear small pieces of black paper allow the children to glue the ants on
- Place out shoe prints with paper ants to glue on
- Use contact paper in the shape of an ant and tissue paper to make tissue ants
- Place out plastic ants and jars with spoons
- Have an ant washing station sponges and plastic ants
- Place golf balls in the sand table for eggs
- Place turkey baster out in the water and candle jelly
Gross Motor:
- Cut out large ant hills out of brown paper, place a shape on each one, in a bowl make circles with the shapes on them, draw a shape from the bowl and have the children move like an ant to that shape
- Do an ant march using fun different music
- Make an ant farm
- Have an ant under a magnifies glass
- Place out pictures of ants
- Place out different pieces of fruit and food outside and watch the ants to see what food they like
Conceptual/Tabletop/Fine Motor:
- Ant sorting
- Ant lacing cards
- Ant hill counting; place ant hills out with a number on it and encourage the children to place that amount of ants on the hill
- Ant match ups
- Have the game ants in your pants
- Have a shoe matching game
- Sing “The ants go marching” while marching
- Place out the ant and the grasshopper flannel board story
- Make ants on a log
o Celery, peanut butter, and raisins
§ Spread the peanut butter on the celery place on the raisins
- Make ant hill coleslaw
o 3 carrots, 3/4 cup raisins soaked, 1/2 – 3/4cup cottage cheese, juice from ½ lemon, salt, and pepper
§ In a mixing bowl combine the ingredients mix and chill and serve
Field Trips:
- Take a walk looking for ants and their hills
- Go to the Helen Schuler Center do their bug wall
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