- Place out large blankets and pillows for beds, teddy bears and doll pajamas
- Place out slippers and teddies
- Place stars on the roof and a moon for viewing
- Read “Good Night Moon”
- Read “ The napping house” make a flannel board story with it
- Read “An awesome book” by Dallas Clayton (found on the internet)
- Read “Good night gorilla”
- Talk about dreams, read “Bernstein bears bad dreams”
- Read “Froggy goes to bed”
- Make a pajama flannel board activity
- Use tooth brushes to paint with
- Place out pillow cases for the children to color dream pictures on and take home
- Use star cookie cutters to paint night pictures
- Make dream pictures, place out pictures for the children to glue a dream story
- Make a quilt
- Give each child a circle and have them create their moon
- Turn out the lights, tape felts to flashlights and draw pictures
- Place out sponges and babies for bath time in the water table
- Place out cotton balls and animals in the sand table
- Place different type of beds for animals in the sand
- Place out rubber ducks in the water
- Have different types of bedding for plastic animals to explore; grass, straw, leaves etc.
Gross Motor
- Have pillow sack races
- Use a blanket as a parachute, invite the children to hold the ends place a small bear to throw up in the air
- Have races to see who can put the pajamas on first, use large adult pajamas to place over the children’s clothes
- Do a pillow jump across the floor
- Make clouds for dreams
- Place out star charts and books of stars
- Place out different materials that beds are made of
- Place out measuring tapes to measure the beds
- Place teddy bears and beds
- Place out people and blankets
- Place out boxes and small blankets, tents and small people for play
Conceptual/Table top/Fine motor
- Have a monkey to bed number game
- Bed time sequence cards
- Place out pillow shapes to match colors and patterns
- Match the bed to the blankets
- Play the game: Too many teddies
- Lace the quilts, slippers, pajamas
- Sort morning and bedtime pictures
- Make a napping house sequence cards
- Sing 5 monkeys jumping on the bed
- Sing Twinkle, Twinkle little star
- Place out a large pillows, blankets and flannel story books
- Make bears in bed
- Place out a slice of bread, spread peanut butter on and place teddy graham crackers, place another ½ slice bread on top for covers
Field trip
- Go to a bed store
Extensions from the activities
- Have a pajama day, bring blankets pillows and bears. Serve milk and cookies for snack, play lullaby’s and record a bed time story
- Hibernation theme