- Set up a library for the children to be the librarians
- Set up a book store
- Choose a favourite fairy tale i.e. Three bears, set out the material to act out the book
- Place a “bed” for bedtime stories
- Read “I love my little story book” by Anita Jeram
- Set out a variety of different books for the children to read
- Place a book worm on the wall for each circle write the name of the book you read
- Have the children share their favourite story book
- Make book ends using milk cartons, stickers, and paints
- Have the children make their own book mark
- Place out magazines and construction paper allow the children to cut out pictures to make their own story (you can write the story they tell)
- Get book report covers allow the children to color them cover a book
- Make books using “environmental prints” (cereal boxes)
- Plastic books with characters in the water table
- Place books about water beside the water table
- Place out books about sand by the sand table add trucks to it
Gross Motor:
- Read a Yoga for children book have the children do the poses
- Make a city treasure hunt book for the children go for a walk following the book
- Read “Run away bunny” have the children act out the running
- Make paper one day
- Have color cards for mixing colors
- Place out a type writer for the children to use
Conceptual/Tabletop/Fine Motor:
- Place out book lacers
- Place out mini books for counting
- Place out the cheerio books with some cheerio’s for the children to complete the pictures
- Place out I Spy books
- Place out music books such as five little monkeys, five green and speckled frogs
- Place out simple musical score books or sheets
- Place out flannel board stories
- Add material books for reading
- Painted toast story
- Food coloring, milk, bread
- Allow the children to create a story on their bread toast it and watch the colors come alive
- Make recipe cards using pictures to follow
- Use the book “Stone Soup” for a cooking day
Field Trips:
- Visit the local library
- Take a trip to the local Chapters book store